Standing Up
for What
Matters Most
Standing Up
for What
Matters Most

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How to Know if You Married the Right Person

Dec 28, 2017

During one of my seminars, a woman asked me a question. She said, “How do I know if I married the ...

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How to Move From Me to We Get Involved

Dec 28, 2017

Have you ever heard the phrase “You are what you eat”? This catchy slogan from the fitness indus...

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Is There a Gender Bias in the Courtroom?

Dec 28, 2017

One of the most popular statements I hear from clients is that “judges always award custody to the...

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One Way to Work on Your Marriage

Dec 28, 2017

TALK & TOUCH Did you ever hear the Paul Simon song, “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”? It’s...

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Should a Breastfeeding Mother Have Custody Over a Man?

Dec 28, 2017

The “Tender Years Doctrine” in South Carolina gave preference to a mother having custody of a ch...

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Social Security and Divorce: What Women Need to Know

Dec 28, 2017

Answers to nine questions about spousal benefits for divorced women. Here is a great article on w...

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The Breaking Point: Why Do Women Initiate Divorce More Than Men?

Dec 28, 2017

A recent study by the American Sociological Association found that women initiate two-thirds of ...

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Will the New Tax Law Effect Your Social Security?

Dec 28, 2017

How An Ex-Spouses Social Security Will Be Affected There are still some financial benefits that wil...

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Dec 28, 2017

You have some changes you’d like to see in your spouse and your marriage, right? And if I were a b...

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