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Top 5 Legal Questions Asked This Month

Sep 08, 2017

Should I sign a lease as a guarantor for my child? No, unless you don’t care about having to ...

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What Are the Chances of Being Sued if You Are in a Car Wreck?

Sep 08, 2017

I speak with business owners and private clients every day, and I often give them an analysis of the...

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What Is a Guardian Ad Litem?

Sep 08, 2017

The judge appointed a guardian ad litem in my custody case. What does that mean? A Guardian ad Li...

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Help! My Parents Are Getting Older and I Don’t Feel So Good Myself

Sep 07, 2017

Let’s face it, getting old is tough. Most of us are not there yet, but our parents are. Have you t...

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Guess What? You’re Dying!

Sep 07, 2017

Here is the only 100% guarantee I will make as an attorney. I guarantee that one day your life on th...

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Can I Take My Child and Move?

Sep 07, 2017

One of the hardest types of cases a Family Court judge or a Family Court lawyer must deal with are t...

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Restraining Orders in Family Court: Can I Still Buy or Own a Gun?

Sep 07, 2017

If you are involved in a family court case in South Carolina, a judge may issue a restraining order ...

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Do Women Get Custody Most of the Time in South Carolina?

Sep 07, 2017

No. In the past, there was a set of laws called the Tender Years Doctrine in which there was a prefe...

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When Does Alimony Stop?

Sep 07, 2017

Will I have to pay alimony forever? Some people are ordered to pay alimony or spousal support. Th...

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