Standing Up
for What
Matters Most
Standing Up
for What
Matters Most

Greenville County Mediation Lawyer

Mediation Services in Laurens & Spartanburg, SC

Many couples going through divorce seek a better way to resolve their differences than through adversarial court battles. Fighting it out in court is time-consuming, expensive, and stressful. It can take an emotional toll on everyone, including children. Mediation has come to be a popular form of voluntary and private dispute resolution outside the courtroom in divorce cases. In many South Carolina counties, including Greenville, mediation has become a court requirement before final divorce hearings are held.

If you are seeking mediation or need to learn more about it, you can turn to the Law Office of Rhett Burney. Rhett is a Certified Mediator who can help you peacefully resolve your disputes with your spouse over issues such as alimony, child custody, visitation, the division of marital property and debt, and any other disagreements that are creating a barrier to finalizing your divorce. With decades of experience and countless cases resolved to his credit, Rhett has the skills you need for this important process.

You can speak with Rhett in a confidential consultation about your case. Contact the Law Office of Rhett Burney at 864 689 4482 to make arrangements. 

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