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Standing Up
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Matters Most

Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Simpsonville, SC

Preparing Couples for the Unknown

The weeks and months leading up to a marriage can be one of the most stressful yet also most enjoyable times in a couple’s lives. With all of the excitement and joy, it can be easy to forget about some of the practicalities that should be addressed before declaring your vows.

At the Law Office of Rhett Burney, we understand how difficult it can be to think about matters like prenuptial agreements. Our attorneys provide comprehensive counsel for couples creating prenuptial agreements throughout Simpsonville and the surrounding areas. We are committed to helping you work through these issues with compassion and understanding.

Our team has extensive experience handling premarital planning, such as drafting and reviewing prenuptial agreements. We will review every detail of your case carefully and help you construct an agreement that is tailored to meet your goals and needs. Contact us at 864 689 4482 for a no-obligation consultation to get started!

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement is a written contract entered into by two people before they get married. It outlines the rights and obligations of each spouse should they ultimately decide to divorce or if one of them passes away. A prenup can also help protect each spouse’s individual assets in the event that something happens to either of them during their marriage.

A prenuptial agreement can provide a great deal of security and peace of mind to both parties involved in the marriage. It sets out the expectations, rights, and responsibilities of each spouse with regard to financial matters and other important matters before marriage. This helps to avoid conflict in the future should anything unexpected happen, such as one party filing for divorce or passing away.

Other benefits of prenups include providing protection for a spouse’s inheritance or assets in case their partner passes away, minimizing disputes over debt if either partner acquires any during the marriage, and determining the division of property in the event that one partner files for divorce. They can also be used to set out specific clauses regarding how alimony payments will be handled and even how children from previous relationships will be treated by both spouses.

Should I Get a Prenup If I Own a Business?

Prenuptial agreements are especially beneficial for people who own businesses or have significant amounts of debt prior to getting married. With a prenup, couples can make sure that their individual debts remain just that – individual – instead of having them become joint liabilities with potential repercussions for both spouses. A prenup can also detail specific rights when it comes to ownership shares in a business venture, ensuring that each spouse gets what is rightfully theirs should they decide to end their marriage.

Why Would I Need to Hire a Lawyer for a Prenup?

No one wants to think about getting a divorce before they even get married, but prenuptial agreements are often an essential part of any marriage. In the event that things don’t work out, having a prenup in place can minimize financial and emotional stress for both parties. That’s why hiring an experienced lawyer is so important—they’ll understand all the nuances of your unique situation and provide you with sound legal advice on how to protect yourself and your assets.

A lawyer who has experience handling prenups will be able to guide you through the entire process and make sure everything is done correctly. Our law firm can help you negotiate the details of your agreement and explain how it will affect each partner should the marriage end in divorce. Getting this agreement right – and binding the agreement lawfully – is paramount to protecting your assets in a divorce.

How Can The Law Office of Rhett Burney, Help Me?

Prenuptial agreements are incredibly useful documents when it comes to protecting each party’s financial interests as well as emotional investments before tying the knot. It is important to seek advice from an experienced lawyer when drafting such an agreement so that all bases are covered and no mistakes are made that could lead to problems down the line. We understand how difficult it can be to discuss such an important topic with your future spouse, but our compassionate team is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today at 864 689 4482 for more information about how we can assist you with creating a legally-binding prenup.

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